Aurora Catá Sala

Primer plano de Aurora Catá Sala.

Independent Non-Executive

Ms. Catá was appointed director of Repsol at the Annual General Meeting on March 26, 2021.

Background: She holds a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña as well as an MBA and a PADE from IESE. She also completed the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Mentoring Program.

Experience: She began her professional career in the financial sector, first at Bank of America and later as CFO at Nissan Motor Ibérica, where she led important capital market operations. Subsequently, she took over the general management of RTVE in Catalonia and later held the position of CEO at Planeta 2010, a company encompassing the audiovisual businesses of the Group, which was fundamental in its growth and diversification strategy. After that, and having also been a founding partner of the start-up Content Arena, she became general manager of Audiovisual Media at Recoletos Grupo de Comunicación, where she managed the Group’s audiovisual business.

Between 2008 and 2020, Ms. Catá was a partner at Seeliger y Conde, where she carried out consulting work related to the development of organizations based on the identifying internal talent, developing competitive compensation policies, designing succession plans, attracting talent, and making cultural changes to adapt to new business scenarios. She also served as chairwoman of the Barcelona Global Association from 2020 to 2022.

Other notable positions: She currently holds the position of independent director, chairwoman of the Compensation Committee, and member of the Nomination Committee and the Risk Committee of Banco Sabadell. She is also an independent director and chairwoman of the Nomination and Compensation Committee of Atrys Health. Ms. Catá is also Vice Chair of America's Cup Events Barcelona (ACE Barcelona), member of the Executive Committee of the IESE Alumni Association, trustee of the Cellnex Foundation, and trustee of CIDOB.

Board committees: Chair of the Nomination Committee, chair of the Compensation Committee, and member of the Audit and Control Committee.